Computer Capabilities

CMG Drainage Engineering, Inc. utilizes a variety of tools including the most current computer programs as listed below:
  • HEC-1/HEC-HMS/GEO-HMS - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Model
  • HEC-2/HEC-RAS/GEO-RAS - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydraulic Model
  • FLO-2D - Two Dimensional Hydrologic & Hydraulic Model
  • HEC-6T - Scour & Deposition in Rivers
  • HY-22 - FHWA Pavement Drainage
  • StormCAD - Storm Drain System Model
  • HY-8 - Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts
  • BOSS RiverCAD - Water Surface Profile Modeling System
  • AutoCAD/AutoCAD Map 3D - Computer Aided Drafting Program
  • ArcVIEW - GIS Software

Technical Capabilities

The following is a list of our technical capabilities and experience:
  • River and basin management studies involving flood control feasibility assessment, hydraulic design, environmental assessment, cost-benefit analysis, and public presentations.
  • Sediment transport analyses for river channel design, flood hazard analysis, short-term and long-term scour processes, stream bank migration analysis, long-term aggradation/degradation analysis, and flood damage mitigation.
  • Floodplain/floodway delineations and LOMR, LOMA’s for Federal Flood Insurance Studies (FIS) and floodplain regulations studies.
  • NPDES stormwater pollution prevention plans for mitigating the impact of urbanization on the quantity and quality of stormwater runoff.
  • Hydraulic design for bridge and culvert waterway openings and calculation of backwater effects.
  • Application of digital computer models including HEC-1, HEC-2, HEC-RAS, HEC-6T and StormCAD.
  • Application of GIS-based hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, including GeoHMS, and GeoRAS.
  • Application of the FLO-2D two-dimensional hydraulic model, including studies of alluvial fan floodplains.
  • Design of alternative flood control measures such as storm sewers, channels, dikes, detention/retention basins, diversions, and floodwalls.
  • Preparation of Clean Water Act Section 401, 402, and 404 permits.
  • Preparation of drainage reports for private and public improvement projects.

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